Monday, November 10, 2014

Family trees tell the history of you. 
The family to which I was born into is separated and it matters not the history...too much of a "me" mentality rather than a "we" mentality. But family is is growth, is love.
I know there are many people like me who have a family that is not a family...searching for a place to belong. 

I have found that place to belong. My church family. My brothers and sisters in Christ have created a family. One where I belong, where I am loved.  Is it perfect? No. Far from it. But we love beyond our mistakes. We love in our trials. We love in our praises. We are God's family.
I have made a lot of mistakes and have hurt and been hurt in this family...yet, they are still right beside me holding me up, holding me accountable, holding me close. This family is a tree that is growing, bearing fruit, and full of love. 
I am truly thankful for this body of believers and that I can call them family.

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