Monday, February 9, 2015

An open and transparent heart........

causes your heart to be hurt, to become broken, and to experience love.

Valentine's Day is drawing near and it is causing me to ponder about love and the condition of our heart. 
We equate love to the condition of our heart.
 If our heart is happy, then we are filled with love.
If we think of a spouse, a friend, or family we know love is in our hearts. These feelings of love are the basis for these relationships (and rightly so).

Yet, I wonder how many of us have opened our hearts fully. Have we been open and transparent enough with others to allow love to grow? 
I am sure that in many marriages there is openness and transparency...that is what keeps love growing and the marriage to become stronger.
But what of friendships....are we open and transparent in these relationships?

I have tried to be open and transparent in my friendships. I have been hurt badly. My heart has become broken into little pieces. I have walked away from friends because of the hurts and brokenness. But now I know that I should have continued on with those friends....I have lost the experience of loving them more.

Love is not a feeling. It is not a noun. Love is a verb. Love is an action. 
This means giving your heart away to your friends and to others. Be open and transparent for you never know who could benefit from your hurts or brokenness. They are not for naught. All the ugliness, all the hurts, all the scars, they can be love in action. 

I can be honest...I have not been open and transparent with my friends. There is a lot of fear wrapped up in that.....they could walk away from me. I would lose their friendship. 
Fear is the opposite of love. Fear keeps you trapped in the prison of your hurts and brokenness.

I can no longer live in fear. I can no longer live in the hurts and brokenness. I am going to be more open and transparent and allow my heart to be hurt, to allow myself to become broken, and to allow myself to experience love.