Monday, February 6, 2012

This begins a journey...a journey in this world, which is not my home. I have never in my entire life felt like I belonged anywhere...not in my family, with friends, anywhere. I am alone in my journey of life. Yet, I know that I am not the only one who feel this way...that there must be a place or a person where I can feel I be needed, wanted, loved.
I am a wandering soul in this world...

Now, I don't have all the answers as to make this feeling go away...but I do know that I have a place where I belong. Jesus gave me love...He gave me peace...He gave me love. This is the journey. Walking with Him. Knowing my place in His grace and mercy.

Do I still feel like I don't belong...absolutely. But there is a place in my future that I long for and strive for everyday. He is my hope. This is my journey.