Monday, October 27, 2014

Communication is needed to build any and all relationships. For without communication, there will be no relationship.

I have just finished listening to a sermon series on prayer. Prayer - communication with God. I can honestly say that my prayer life has developed. I cannot stand to go a day without talking with God!! I look forward to waking every morning just to have that time with Him. And the great result from this is that I a building a stronger and deeper relationship with Him!
Even if I don't have the words to say...He is there...listening and waiting. 

Now how I pray may seem strange to some, but I write my prayers. I have found that I am extremely honest and open when I write...the pen to the paper cannot be changed (at least for me). It also gives me the opportunity to see God working in my life and the prayers He has answered and it also gives me the opportunity to know Him...what His will is for me and my life!

Writing my prayers; they are my love letters to God. When I don't feel like just giving God a list of requests...I just praise Him; thank Him for all He has done; all that He will do; and His love for me and my love for Him. It is the building of an intimate relationship.

How we communicate dictates what kind of relationships we keeping an open and direct communicative line in a relationship, it will build and strengthen the relationship. I pray that all of my relationships will be built and strengthen through communicating our lives with one another.

I pray that the people in my life would communicate with me as well. I cannot repair a broken relationship if I don't know it has been damaged. A hurt I may have caused, a promise broken...a sin that needs to be forgiven...this is what communication can accomplish...repairing the damages, building strength into the relationship, loving one another.

Let us communicate with one another. Open our lives to one another, share our lives, build up love.
Let us communicate with God. For He is the most important relationship we must build.

Monday, October 13, 2014

I have never been a morning person. I doubt I shall ever be one. But I challenge myself each and every morning to wake and make prayer my first priority. Am I successful? Not always, but when I am successful and as soon as I wake, my thoughts go straight to Him...what a glorious, joyous morning it is!!!

I am finding that if I make the effort to talk with God, even if I don't feel like it....there is still a connection. I speak and He listens and then I listen...I absorb His word, His love, His grace and mercy. Even if I have nothing to say or don't know what to say...the time with Him is still a benefit! Sometimes, just sitting in silence is the most profound moment for deepening my relationship with Him.

Our minister is in the process of preaching on prayer. I cannot express how much this has impacted me. God is answering all questions through His own word and through his people! I am drawing closer to God because I am making the effort to communicate with Him daily. It matters not what I feel...I just do. 
Now this might sound like I don't put effort into this and I will be honest there are times, I do not! Yet, if I am honest with Him and tell Him exactly how I feel...our moment together changes...He allows me to just dwell in His presence...and the results are more enlightening and glorious.

I am finding that my time with Him is not because I have to..I must do this to be a better Christian...I am finding that I need that time with Him!! And if I miss time with Him in the morning...I think what have I missed out on....what jewel of wisdom did I miss because I did not spend time with Him!
And I am finding that going to Him first thing in the morning is a the biggest blessing I could ever have!!! 
He knows I am not a morning person and accepts me just as I am....and I am learning that not being a morning person is okay as long as I make time with Him...then the rest of my day is brighter and overflowing with Him!

I am learning to look forward to spending time with Him in the early morning...(even when my morning doesn't start until late morning).

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I have to marvel at the steps taken in this journey. I have found God in everything and every step of this journey. 

If I just sit and listen...I am truly overwhelmed by His majesty and glory. And to be overwhelmed by God is the hardest and most beautiful thing that can happen to a person. My limited mind cannot process all that He is...and that He shares even a small part with is far beyond my imagination and conception and understanding. It is no wonder that I am overwhelmed!!

The last few weeks, I have been spending some time with Him. Oh, I pray and I have found that sometimes it is a list of requests...but to spend time with absorb all that He wants to tell us through His word and through the Spirit...there is a sense of awe and wonder and fear. I am learning to have a relationship with God! Think of how astounding that is...that we as a small mass of atoms, insignificant in the big picture....God wants a relationship with us!! He lavishes us with His love and it no wonder the powerful sense of being overwhelmed is felt!

Each day, He has given me a little nugget of wisdom to take me one more step towards Him. The things I have learned...for the first time in a very long vision is clearer...and it all points to Him! I realize I have a long way to go on this journey and I know that there will be a lot more mistakes and moments of failure...but there is also going to be moments of glory and praise and joy!! I am in His arms for eternity and I am overwhelmed by the enormity of Him and His love for me and for the relationship I am building with Him.