I have never been a morning person. I doubt I shall ever be one. But I challenge myself each and every morning to wake and make prayer my first priority. Am I successful? Not always, but when I am successful and as soon as I wake, my thoughts go straight to Him...what a glorious, joyous morning it is!!!
I am finding that if I make the effort to talk with God, even if I don't feel like it....there is still a connection. I speak and He listens and then I listen...I absorb His word, His love, His grace and mercy. Even if I have nothing to say or don't know what to say...the time with Him is still a benefit! Sometimes, just sitting in silence is the most profound moment for deepening my relationship with Him.
Our minister is in the process of preaching on prayer. I cannot express how much this has impacted me. God is answering all questions through His own word and through his people! I am drawing closer to God because I am making the effort to communicate with Him daily. It matters not what I feel...I just do.
Now this might sound like I don't put effort into this and I will be honest there are times, I do not! Yet, if I am honest with Him and tell Him exactly how I feel...our moment together changes...He allows me to just dwell in His presence...and the results are more enlightening and glorious.
I am finding that my time with Him is not because I have to..I must do this to be a better Christian...I am finding that I need that time with Him!! And if I miss time with Him in the morning...I think what have I missed out on....what jewel of wisdom did I miss because I did not spend time with Him!
And I am finding that going to Him first thing in the morning is a the biggest blessing I could ever have!!!
He knows I am not a morning person and accepts me just as I am....and I am learning that not being a morning person is okay as long as I make time with Him...then the rest of my day is brighter and overflowing with Him!
I am learning to look forward to spending time with Him in the early morning...(even when my morning doesn't start until late morning).
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