Communication is needed to build any and all relationships. For without communication, there will be no relationship.
I have just finished listening to a sermon series on prayer. Prayer - communication with God. I can honestly say that my prayer life has developed. I cannot stand to go a day without talking with God!! I look forward to waking every morning just to have that time with Him. And the great result from this is that I a building a stronger and deeper relationship with Him!
Even if I don't have the words to say...He is there...listening and waiting.
Now how I pray may seem strange to some, but I write my prayers. I have found that I am extremely honest and open when I write...the pen to the paper cannot be changed (at least for me). It also gives me the opportunity to see God working in my life and the prayers He has answered and it also gives me the opportunity to know Him...what His will is for me and my life!
Writing my prayers; they are my love letters to God. When I don't feel like just giving God a list of requests...I just praise Him; thank Him for all He has done; all that He will do; and His love for me and my love for Him. It is the building of an intimate relationship.
How we communicate dictates what kind of relationships we keeping an open and direct communicative line in a relationship, it will build and strengthen the relationship. I pray that all of my relationships will be built and strengthen through communicating our lives with one another.
I pray that the people in my life would communicate with me as well. I cannot repair a broken relationship if I don't know it has been damaged. A hurt I may have caused, a promise broken...a sin that needs to be forgiven...this is what communication can accomplish...repairing the damages, building strength into the relationship, loving one another.
Let us communicate with one another. Open our lives to one another, share our lives, build up love.
Let us communicate with God. For He is the most important relationship we must build.
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