I have struggled with my weight for many years. The last two years have been especially hard as I have gained over sixty pounds. I would try and eat better and exercise but would never stick with it or have much success. Until something clicked....I have watched the "Biggest Loser" for many seasons and nothing they said or did really helped me or motivated me to want to change. That is until last Thursday...they have a new trainer and it was something she said that spoke volumes to me.
She said we are motivated by two things...we are either motivated by fear or we are motivated by love, which is your motivation?
I realized that my entire life, I have been motivated by fear! How is this possible?!
As a Christian, fear is overcome by love. Jesus is love. Love overcomes fear. If I love Jesus and claim to be His follower, then the love of God is in me...following this rational thinking...therefore, I should be motivated by love for fear has been defeated by love.
I have always struggled with God's grace and love given to me. For I have never seen anything in me that was worth His love and grace. But as I grow closer to Him, accepting His gift of love is becoming easier day by day.
Now, with this revelation that I should have known all along, I am able to claim the power of His love! He is my motivation...love is my motivation...His love is my motivation. It hasn't been easy but I am now motivated by love and not fear.
Success is a long way off but I am only at the beginning and now that I have taken that first step into love and out of fear....success is achievable.
Good news is that in the last four days...I have already lost one pound!! Here I come success! Here I come motivated by love!
So happy for your new discovery and success!