Monday, November 24, 2014

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving. A day in which we can express our gratitude for family, friends, and our way of life.

Why do we regulate it to just one day. Are we so selfish and ungrateful that we don't express our thankfulness to our loved ones consistently? Do we not tell God how thankful we are for the blessings He bestows upon us every day? Must we really have a day to say we will be thankful?

I can honestly say that every day, I make time to tell God how thankful I am for all He has given me. I tell my family that I am grateful for them...(they have put up with me for the last fifty-three years!) I tell my friends that I appreciate their friendship and how much they mean to me. 
The reason it must be consistent is that I do not want to take anything for granted. You don't know how long you will be here on this earth or how long they will be here with you. 

And I sometimes miss saying thanks to some that just never come to mind, for this I am filled with sorrow. Say thanks to our government, in the church, in your job...they like to hear thank you and are appreciative of it. In government...their job is not easy and we live in a country that does provide us with many freedoms (many of which we take for granted). In your job...being the boss is not that great sometimes...they like to hear thank you once in while just as you like to hear it from them. In our church...leaders of the church (our elders and ministers) have a very thankless job. They have to please God, care for family and the church, be discerning and wise in their decisions for the flock and do it  without pay. They do it because of their love of our Lord, so the least we can do is to tell them often how much we appreciate them and their sacrifice of serving. Say thanks to our missionaries, those near and far...for they a promoting the kingdom of God. 

I realize there is some I may have missed...but if they come to mind...say thanks. Be grateful and thankful every day and never take this life for granted.....we have but one to live. So live it fully and for Him.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Family trees tell the history of you. 
The family to which I was born into is separated and it matters not the history...too much of a "me" mentality rather than a "we" mentality. But family is is growth, is love.
I know there are many people like me who have a family that is not a family...searching for a place to belong. 

I have found that place to belong. My church family. My brothers and sisters in Christ have created a family. One where I belong, where I am loved.  Is it perfect? No. Far from it. But we love beyond our mistakes. We love in our trials. We love in our praises. We are God's family.
I have made a lot of mistakes and have hurt and been hurt in this family...yet, they are still right beside me holding me up, holding me accountable, holding me close. This family is a tree that is growing, bearing fruit, and full of love. 
I am truly thankful for this body of believers and that I can call them family.